©2023 Raazesh Sainudiin, Benny Avelin. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
You have seen some methods in scientific computing and will see more in your programme.
Here we just use some basic methods in numerical optimisation to be able to find the maximum likelihood estimate.
Note that in optimisation one is interested in minimising a cost or loss, so we are interested in the following
$$\hat \theta = \arg\min_{\theta \in \mathbf{\Theta}} - \log(L(\theta))$$from Utils import showURL
showURL("https://scipy-lectures.org/advanced/mathematical_optimization/index.html",500) Getting started: 1D Optimisation
This example is from https://scipy-lectures.org/advanced/mathematical_optimization/index.html#id38
Let’s get started by finding the minimum of the scalar function $f(x)=\exp(x-0.7)^2$.
uses Brent’s method to find the minimum of a function
# Example from https://scipy-lectures.org/advanced/mathematical_optimization/index.html#id38
import numpy as np # import numpy for np.methods
# import optimize from scipy to do numerical optimization
from scipy import optimize
#define the function f we want to minimize - see points plot below
def f(x):
return -np.exp(-(x - 0.7)**2)
#call the optimize.minimize_scalar method to find the minimim, argmin, etc.
result = optimize.minimize_scalar(f)
print ("result.success = " + str(result.success)) # check if solver was successful
# argmin, i.e., the x that minimizes f(x)
x_min = result.x
# note argmin is close to the true argmin at 0.7
print("argmin_x of f(x) = " + str(x_min))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# the value of the function's minimum, number of function evaluations, number of iterations
print (result.fun, result.nfev, result.nit)
result # we can see result directly too
In MLe problems we often want to optimise or minimise $f(x)$ while constraining of bounding $x$ to be inside an interval, say $[0,1]$. This is possible using method='bounded'
in our previous example. The implementation uses Brent's method under the set constraints.
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
def f(x):
return -np.exp(-(x - 0.7)**2)
initial_x = 0.5 # this is where we are initialising the iterative search
boundedResult = optimize.minimize_scalar(f, initial_x, bounds=(0, 1), method='bounded')
Let us apply the above idea in Bounded 1D Optimisation to find the MLe for statistical experiments from $n$ IID samples that are assumed to drawn from a random variable with only one real-valued parameter that satisfies some given constraints.
We can thus get the MLe by minimising the negative log likelihood function numerically using floating-point numbers via numpy
ans scipy
libraries/packages (such methods are also called scientific computing) .
This approach is easier in a sense as you only need the likelhood expression, however, it comes at a price. The solutions do not in general have guarantees unless various conditions are satisfied. However, a lot of successful methods in statistical machine learning and AI are based on such methods!
The following example is from Box bounds of scipy lectures on mathematical optimisation.
We want to find the argument that minimises the function $f$ of two variables $(x_1,x_2)$ $$ argmin_{(x_1,x_2) \in [-1.5,1.5]^2} f(x_1,x_2) = \sqrt{\left( (x_1 - 3)^2 + (x_2 - 2)^2 \right)} $$ but while constraining $(x_1,x_2)$ to lie within the bounding box given by the square $[-1.5,1.5]^2 := [-1.5,1.5] \times [-1.5,1.5]$.
We can use this iterative numerical method called optimize.minimize
to find the MLe of statistical experiments that have more than one parameter using:
we want to minimisef
will be negLogLkl
, the negative log likelihood function (or any other loss for that matter), for a given dataset
, the appropriate bounding boxes for the parameters (so the likelihood is well-defined)initial_arguments
for the initial values for the parameters in the iterative optimize.minimize
methodYou should have seen these ideas in some form in your scientific computing courses, if not, don't worry as you will see them soon in more advanced scientific computing courses you will be taking in the future.
If you want to use the source to deepen your understanding through a great set of codes and lecture notes that will help you understand what is going on when we call optimize.minimize
method, then please feel free to dive here:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
# define the objective/cost/loss function we want to minimise
def f(x):
return np.sqrt((x[0] - 3)**2 + (x[1] - 2)**2)
# multi-dimensional optimisation is syntactically similar to 1D,
# but we are using Gradient and Hessian information from numerical evaluation of f to
# iteratively improve the solution along the steepest direction, etc.
# It 'LBFGS' method you will see in scientific computing
parameter_bounding_box=((-1.5, 1.5), (-1.5, 1.5)) # specify the constraints for each parameter
initial_arguments = np.array([0, 0]) # point in 2D to initialise the minimize algorithm
optimize.minimize(f, initial_arguments, bounds=parameter_bounding_box) # just call the minimize method!
# notuce that the argmin x = (1.5,1,5) within the bounding-box.