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Introduction to Data Science 1MS041

You can download the Lecture notes here.

Precision Recall survey here

Introductory Jupyter .ipynb Notebooks

These notebooks contain the basic theory of how to work with python and BASH, that will be needed in this course.

A01. A01-BASH_Unix_Shell

Individual Jupyter .ipynb lecture Notebooks

These notebooks are numbered according to which lecture they coincide with and will be updated after the lectures. Before the lecture they can be considered preliminary.

  1. 01-Probability
  2. 02-Random_Variables
  3. 02-Random_Variables_examples
  4. 03-Random_Variables
  5. 04-Concentration_and_Limits
  6. 05-Limits
  7. 05-Risk
  8. 06-Fundamentals_of_estimation
  9. 07-Estimation_Likelihood
  10. 07-Optimization
  11. 07-StandardError
  12. 08-PRNG
  13. 09-Markov_chains
  14. 10-Pattern_Recognition
  15. 11-Training_Testing_Metrics
  16. 12-Regression
  17. 13-High_Dimension
  18. 14-Dimensionality_Reduction
  19. 15-Extra_Topics

Problem Solving Sessions

These notebooks are numbered according to which problem solving session they coincide with.

  1. 02-ProbSS1
  2. 03-ProbSS2
  3. 07-ProbSS4_Estimation
  4. 08-ProbSS5
  5. 11-ProbSS06
  6. 12-ProbSS07

Starting package

Assignment notebooks (Will be empty until it is time)

  1. Assignment_1
  2. Assignment_2
  3. Assignment_3
  4. Assignment_4