Introduction to Data Science 1MS041

Individual SageMath Jupyter .ipynb Notebooks

  1. Introduction
  2. BASH crash
  3. Numbers, Strings, Booleans and Sets
  4. Map, Function, Collection, and Probability
  5. Conditional Probability, Random Variables, Loops and Conditionals
  6. Random Variables, Expectations, Data, Statistics, Arrays and Tuples, Iterators and Generators
  7. Statistics and List Comprehensions with New Zealand Earthquakes
  8. Modular Arithmetic, Linear Congruential Generators, and Pseudo-Random Numbers
  9. Pseudo-Random Numbers, Simulating from Some Discrete and Continuous Random Variables
  10. Estimation, Likelihood, Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Symbolic Expressions
  11. Convergence of Limits of Random Variables, Confidence Set Estimation and Testing
  12. Non-parametric Estimation and Testing
  13. Linear Regression
  14. Markov Chains and Random Structures
  15. Supervised Learning & what is machine learning
  16. Supervised learning and Learning Theory
  17. High Dimensional geometry and probability
  18. Singular Value Decomposition
  19. Putting it all together


  1. Assignment 1
  2. Assignment 2
  3. Assignment 3
  4. Assignment 4
  5. Assignment 5

Starting package

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If you want to do everything yourself, here is the data-zip file, Only Data. In case you have images that dont show up, here is the images-zip file, Only Images